Comment history with Amaranthus
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 comments
It would help to know the name, wouldn't it.
Telepopmusik - Breathe
hey what's the name of your song? I'm trying to find it on itunes.
Yea I went on the site to get one the other day but for w/e reason, I decided not to. Idk why though. I Think I'll try again.
u welcome, have you ever consider adding a cbox or tagboard (thats what most people call them) or shoutbox. I think you should add one to your site, it lets people add feedback, it well bring life to your site, I recommend www.cbox.ws
Hey, I decided to read your bio on your website and like to say i enjoyed reading it, cool
Yea, thats how i knew it was mine and then he act like he don't know what I'm talking about, speaking italian, I know he is italian but i read the comments below and i can clearly see he know good enough english to speak to me, but he replied in italian, i guess it his language to cover it, he wasted a lot of my time with those stupid translators
OHhhh ok that makes a whole lot more sense now that you explained it.
You know how, if you like the layout you can take the code and use it, right? Jocker use it but they change the layout, the color scheme, background, header etc. How I know if the code is mine? First of all I code the layout and i know it inside and out, so I know it when I see it, I made it right? So thats how i know
I'm well aware of how you found me.
I know jocking isnt right, but what I don't understand is:
1. How you can "jock" someone someone else's codes and
2. How you are able to indentify if someone really did jock
Would you mind clarifying for me please?
I believe i'm that certain someone Bishinobi (the comment you made of one of delicioustyle layout) He did jock and they wasn't right, you would do the same if you was me, sorry your friend have to be a jocker